Wednesday 12 November 2014

Writing Instructions

I found it tricky to remember the steps and to use comic life. 

Saturday 8 November 2014

Equal Sharing

I knew that half of 18 was 9 and when we share between 2 people it is the same as half.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Capital letters and full stops

I am learning to use capital letters and full stops in the right place. I find it tricky to do full stops properly. I need to work on this. It is easy when I have a friend to help me.

Friday 15 August 2014

Shape riddle

I found it hard to use the right words to describe my shape. I need to remember how many sides they have. 

My Dog

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Descriptive writing


I am learning how to do contractions. I can find the words that match. I know that a contraction is when you take out a letter. Next I will be learning how to write them and miss out the right letters. In spelling this week I am learning "can't, isn't and don't".

Sunday 22 June 2014

Writing more than one idea

This was my lightning writing from week 1 term 2.

I am learning to write more than one idea. I like lightning writing. I write as much as I can in 10 minutes. I used a picture to give me ideas. I find it tricky to write more than one idea. My ideas match the picture.

This was my lightning writing from week 7 term 2. I am trying to write more.

Sunday 11 May 2014


Rainbow Fish

Compound sentences

I am learning to write compound sentences. This is when we make two sentences. I use and to join them. I find it really tricky to use but or because.


I am learning about fractions. I can find what half is. It is tricky to write 1/4. It is really tricky. It is hard to know that I have to make the rectangles the same. 

Thursday 20 March 2014

Sounding out 3 letter words

My reflection: I am learning to sound out 3 letter words in reading. I get confused with the sounds d and b, and g. I find middle sounds hard.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Number knowledge to 20

My reflection:
I find the number 9 hard to write the right way. I can find numbers before and after to 20. Next I will be learning to add my numbers together to make 20.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Welcome to Room 10!

I am in year 2 and my teacher is Miss Ladley. We made a class treaty. This was my idea for a safe and happy classroom.